Past Events (Page 2)

Past Events (Page 2)

Jan 9, 2022

Young Adults

Young adults will be getting together for fellowship after Sunday service.
Jan 8, 2022

Women’s Breakfast and Study

This Month Ladies’ and Men’s groups will be combining in order to study The Emotionally Healthy Church. .
Dec 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Candle light service

Come join us for an amazing night of song and celebration for our God and Savior Jesus Christ. We will sing songs by candle light and end the night with communion.
Dec 19, 2020

Christmas Caroling

We will be bringing Christmas cheer to the homes of our church families that have not been attending our in person services and blessing them in songs of joy and thanksgiving.
Dec 15, 2020

Ladies’ Advent by Candle light

The City of Refuge ladies will be gathering for a night of Christmas carols, food and fellowship. Special speaker Dr. Janel Voelker will be speaking on the topic of physical and spiritual health.
Mar 7, 2020

Inspire Women’s Conference Elmbrook Church

Join us for the Inspire Conference – a one-day event gathering women from all backgrounds and walks of life. Together, we declare, “Now I See.” March 7th at 8am “May the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you.” (Ephesians 1:18)